The first Android 11 Beta was released about a month ago, which means the next update should be coming very soon. Google shared its release timeline with the first Developer Preview, noting that the first two beta releases would come out in June and July. Subsequent releases, however, are scheduled vaguely for “Q3.” Google may have accidentally spilled the bins on the stable release date.
Google published a video for its “Hey Google” Smart Home Summit, and one of the slides lists a bunch of things for developers to check off before the stable release. The title of the slide is “Checklist for September 8th Android 11 launch.” Of course, that date isn’t exactly a shocking revelation. Android 10 was officially launched on September 3rd last year, after all. We always knew a Fall launch was coming, but now we can put a date to it.
This same date is when we can expect the source code to start being uploaded to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP), and we can also expect the publication of the new Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) shortly thereafter. On September 8th, Google will release the stable Android 11 update for supported Google Pixel phones, which includes the Pixel 2, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, and Pixel 4. Other OEMs will follow in the weeks and months afterward, with some releasing updates faster than others.
While September is very likely the target launch window, the exact date of September 8th could easily change. We’ve seen many things get delayed this year, including a few announcements from Google itself. Android 11 brings several exciting features that consumers may want. Conversations are more clearly defined in the notification shade, Smart Home controls get prominent placement in the Power Menu, Media Controls have been redesigned, and better privacy controls are present. There are plenty of developer-friendly changes as well.
Via: PhoneArena
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