The Galaxy Note 7 was one of the most anticipated smartphones when it was first launched, thanks to its symmetrical design and superior camera performance. But a few weeks after the device went on sale, reports started coming in about the device's explosive performance. This led Samsung to immediately recall and replace Note 7 devices with what they believed to safe batteries, but when the replacement devices started to catch fire it forced the South Korean electronics giant to completely halt sales of the device.
After the Galaxy Note 7 debacle, Samsung has been busy investigating the cause behind the explosions and overheating issues in its flagship device. Reuters reports that Samsung has now finished its investigations of the Note 7 and has reached a conclusion that faulty batteries were mainly responsible. Earlier a tear down by a manufacturing technology company called Instrumental showed that the Note 7's "aggressive design" was the reason for battery explosions and overheating, but Samsung's reports are indicating that this wasn't the case. According to a source who spoke to Reuters, Samsung didn't find any design or software-related issue which could cause the battery to explode. The source also noted that the company was able to replicate the battery fires during its internal investigation.
The source says Samsung will likely officially announce the investigation reports on January 23rd, which is the day before the company is slated to announce its fourth-quarter earnings. The source also adds that along with the investigation reports the company will also announce new safety measures they have been taking to ensure the safety of their future devices.
Finding the root cause of the Note 7's fire safety issue is crucial for Samsung as it prepares for its next flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S8. As the launch of the Galaxy S8 nears, Samsung would definitely like to leave behind the bitter memories of the Note 7 fiasco.
Source: Reuters
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