
mardi 17 janvier 2017

Report: Lenovo Underestimated Motorola Revival Efforts at Time of Purchase

Back in 2014, Google shocked the Android enthusiast community briefly when it decided to sell off Motorola Mobility to Lenovo. Many had hoped that Motorola would be Google's smartphone hardware division, becoming the prime example of how Android's software can be used in harmony with affordable hardware.

With Lenovo coming into the picture, we realized that this dream will remain a dream.

In an extensive report published by The Wall Street Journal, Lenovo Group Ltd.'s CEO Mr. Yang Yuanqing is quoted as saying:

We underestimated the differences of the culture and the business model.

This comes in the heels of Motorola failing to return as strongly to the current existing smartphone market. The situation is in stark contrast to the vow that Mr. Yang had taken — to restore the brand as a global leader. The plan then was to propel the combined company entity to global dominance, a task that seemed more realistic and achievable back then when the two companies combined gave us the third biggest smartphone maker by shipments.

Granted, Motorola was on a gradual downfall even when Google acquired it, lagging behind Apple and Samsung in all areas. Lenovo's acquisition did not help the situation though, for neither Motorola, nor Lenovo. Lenovo fell from the world's number 3 smartphone makers by shipments, to number 8. They also had to axe more than 2000 jobs in the U.S.A., and had to report their first annual loss since 2009 in May 2016.

According to the report, poor integration between the brands was but one of the many mistakes. The most crucial of those mistakes involved Lenovo's lack of clear vision for its largest markets.

Mr. Yang pushed for Motorola sales in China where Lenovo's own phones were dominant and the market was saturated. There was strong insistence on keeping the brands separate, with Motorola targeting high-end consumers and Lenovo sticking to less-expensive devices. However, it decided not to spend heavily on marketing and adopt online-only sales model, something that had proven successful for Xiaomi in China. But with the price of the premium handsets approaching the iPhone, there was little hope that an online-only brand with little marketing would be able to compete. IDC estimates on shipments put Motorola's Chinese shipments at 200,000 in 2015, which is nothing when compared to the 65 Million shipments by Xiaomi. Further, Lenovo ended up creating yet another phone brand in the form of ZUK, transferring several employees from its parent company's phone division onto ZUK and leaving fewer hands on deck of the once-successful ship.

For the US, Lenovo initially raised advertising expenditure, but then slashed it down along with product development. Errors continued when Mr. Chen Xudong, a long time Lenovo PC executive who had little background in smartphones outside of China, was put in charge of the combined company's global phone business. This meant that Motorola's then-president Mr. Rick Osterloh would be reporting to Mr. Chen. The Wall Street Journal writes that Mr. Chen was disproportionately interested in products for China, often unilaterally adjusting product timings and features, even for products not designed for China.

In November 2016, Mr. Chen was transferred to Lenovo's customer service division. Mr. Yang now believes that their smartphone business can see success, thanks to increased global advertising and marketing for the Motorola brand in the second half of 2016. The Moto Z is seeing strong global sales, which gives us hope that there's still some fight left in Motorola.

To read the full report, head on over to The Wall Street Journal.

What are your thoughts on Lenovo and Motorola's troubled corporate marriage? Will Lenovo succeed in 2017? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: The Wall Street Journal

from xda-developers

Diving into SDCardFS: How Google’s FUSE Replacement Will Reduce I/O Overhead

Several months ago, Google added something called "SDCardFS" to the official AOSP branches for the Linux kernel. At the time, the move was noticed only by some kernel developers, but otherwise flew under the radar of most users. No surprise there considering the fact that most users, including myself, do not really know what goes on under the hood of the Android OS and its kernel.

However, the most recent episode of the Android Developers Backstage podcast renewed interest in this topic. The podcast, hosted by Chet Haase (a senior software engineer at Google), explored recent and upcoming changes made to the kernel. On the show was a Linux kernel developer working on the Android team – Rom Lemarchand. The duo primarily discussed what changes were made to accommodate A/B updates, but in the last 5 minutes of the episode Mr. Lemarchand talked about "the next big thing" that his team was working on – SDCardFS.

I must admit that I learned about the existence of SDCardFS after listening to this podcast. Of course, I wasn't the only one to take interest in this topic, as a recent Reddit thread has shown. However, I wasn't satisfied with the basic explanation that was offered in the podcast, and in an effort to dispel some of the misinformation being spread around, I did some research of my own and talked to a few experts with relevant knowledge on the matter.

Major thanks to software developer Michal Kowalczyk for contributing his knowledge to this article and for taking the time to answer my questions.

"External" Is Really Internal

Right off the bat, there are bound to be some misconceptions we have to clear up – otherwise the rest of the article will be very confusing. It's helpful to discuss the history of SD cards and Android phones.

In the early days of Android phones, nearly every device relied on using their microSD cards for storage. This was due to the fact that phones at the time shipped with miniscule internal storage capacities. However, SD cards used for storing applications often do not provide a stellar user experience, at least compared to the speed with which internal flash memory can read/write data. Therefore, the increasing use of SD Cards for external data storage was becoming a user experience concern for Google.

Due to the early proliferation of SD cards as external storage devices, Android's storage naming conventions were based around the fact that every device had an actual, physical microSD card slot. But even on devices that didn't contain an SD Card slot, the /sdcard label was still used to point to the actual internal storage chip. More confusing is the fact that devices that utilized both a physical SD card as well as a high capacity storage chip for storage would often name their partitions based around the SD Card. For instance, in these devices the /sdcard mount point would refer to the actual internal storage chip, whereas something like /storage/sdcard1 would refer to the physical external card.

Thus, even though the microSD card is practically considered to be external storage, the naming convention resulted in "SDCard" sticking around long past any actual use of a physical card. This confusion with storage also provided some headache to application developers due to the fact that application data and its media were segregated between the two partitions.

The low storage space of early internal storage chips resulted in users frustratingly finding out they could no longer install applications (due to the /data partition being full). Meanwhile, their larger capacity microSD cards were relegated to holding only media (such as photos, music, and movies). Users who browsed our forums back in the day might remember these names: Link2SD and Apps2SD. These were (root) solutions that enabled users to install their applications and its data all on the physical SD card. But these were far from perfect solutions, so Google had to step in.

Famously, Google pulled the plug on SD cards very early on. The Nexus One remains the only Nexus device with a microSD card slot (and it forever will be since the Nexus brand is effectively dead). With the Nexus S, there was now only one, unified partition for storing all application data and media – the /data partition. What was once known as the /sdcard mount point now was simply referring to a virtual filesystem (implemented under the FUSE protocol as discussed below) located in the data partition – /data/media/0.

In order to maintain compatibility and reduce confusion, Google still used this now-virtual "sdcard" partition to hold media. But now that this "sdcard" virtual partition was actually located within /data, anything stored within it would count against the storage space of the internal storage chip. Thus, it was up to OEMs to consider how much space to allocate to applications (/data) versus media (/data/media).

Two Very Different "SD Cards"

Google was hoping for manufacturers to follow their example and get rid of SD cards. Thankfully, over time phone manufacturers were able to source these components at higher capacities while remaining cost effective, so the need for SD cards was beginning to run thin. But the naming conventions have persisted to reduce the amount of effort developers and OEMs would have to make to adjust. Currently, when we refer to "external storage" we are referring to either one of two things: the actual removable microSD card or the virtual "SDCard" partition located in /data/media. The latter of these, practically speaking, is actually internal storage, but Google's naming convention differentiates it due to the fact that this data is accessible to the user (such as when plugged into the computer).

Currently, when we refer to "external storage" we are referring to either one of two things: the actual removable microSD card or the virtual "SDCard" partition located in /data/media.

The History of Android's Virtual Filesystems

Now that "sdcard" is treated as a virtual filesystem, it meant that it could be formatted as any filesystem that Google wanted. Starting with the Nexus S and Android 2.3, Google chose to format "sdcard" as VFAT (virtual FAT). This move made sense at the time, since mounting VFAT would allow nearly any computer to access the data stored on your phone. However, there were two major issues with this initial implementation.

The first primarily concerns the end user (you). In order to connect your device to your computer, you would be using USB Mass Storage Mode to transfer data. This, however, required the Android device to unmount the virtual partition before the computer could access the data. If a user wanted to use their device while plugged in, many things would show as unavailable.

The introduction of the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) solved this first issue. When plugged in, your computer sees your device as a "media storage" device. It requests a list of files from your phone, and MTP returns a list of files that the computer can download from the device. When a file is requested to be deleted, MTP sends a command to remove the requested file from storage. Unlike USB Mass Storage Mode which actually mounts the "sdcard", MTP allows the user to continue using their device while plugged in. Furthermore, the file system present on the Android phone no longer matters for the computer to recognize the files on the device.

Secondly, there was the fact that VFAT did not provide the kind of robust permission management that Google needed. Early on, many application developers would treat the "sdcard" as a dumping ground for their application's data, with no unified sense of where to store their files. Many applications would simply create a folder with its app name and store its files on there.

Nearly every application out there at the time required the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to write their application files to the external storage. However, what was more troubling was the fact that nearly every application also required the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission – just to read their own data files! This meant that applications could easily have access to data stored anywhere on the external storage, and such a permission was often granted by the user because it was required for many apps to even function.

Google clearly saw this as problematic. The whole idea behind permission management is to segregate what apps can and cannot have access to. If nearly every app is being granted read access to potentially sensitive user data, then the permission is meaningless. Thus, Google decided they needed a new approach. That is where FUSE comes in.

Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE)

Starting with Android 4.4, Google decided to no longer mount the virtual "sdcard" partition as VFAT. Instead, Google began to use FUSE to emulate FAT32 on the "sdcard" virtual partition. With the sdcard program calling FUSE to emulate FAT-on-sdcard style directory permissions, applications could begin accessing its data stored on external storage without requiring any permissions. Indeed, starting with API Level 19, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE was no longer required to access files located on external storage – provided the data folder created by the FUSE daemon matches the app's package name. FUSE would handle synthesizing the owner, group, and modes of files on external storage when an application is installed.

FUSE differs from in-kernel modules as it allows for non-privileged users to write virtual filesystems. The reason Google implemented FUSE is rather simple – it did what they wanted and was already well understood and documented in the world of Linux. To quote a Google developer on the matter:

"Because FUSE is a nice stable API, there is essentially zero maintenance work required when moving between kernel versions. If we migrated to an in-kernel solution, we'd be signing up for maintaining a set of patches for each stable kernel version." -Jeff Sharkey, Software Engineer at Google

However, it was becoming quite clear that FUSE's overhead was introducing a hit in performance among other issues. The developer I spoke to regarding this matter, Michal Kowalczyk, penned an excellent blog post over a year ago detailing the current issues with FUSE. More technical details can be read on his blog, but I will describe his findings (with his permission) in more layman's terms.

The Problem with FUSE

In Android, the "sdcard" userspace daemon utilizes FUSE to mount /dev/fuse to the emulated external storage directory on boot. After that, the sdcard daemon polls the FUSE device for any pending messages from the kernel. If you listened to the podcast, you might have heard Mr. Lemarchand refer to FUSE introducing overhead during I/O operations – here is essentially what happens.

In the real world, this performance hit affects any file stored on external storage.

Problem #1 – I/O Overhead

Let us say that we create a simple text file, called "test.txt", and store it in /sdcard/test.txt (which, let me remind you, is actually /data/media/0/test.txt assuming the current user is the primary user on the device). If we wanted to read (command cat) this file, we would expect the system to issue 3 commands: open, read, then close. Indeed, as Mr. Kowalczyk demonstrates using strace, that is what happens:

But because the file is located on the external storage which is managed by the sdcard daemon, there are many additional operations that need to be performed. According to Mr. Kowalczyk, there are essentially 8 additional steps needed for each of these 3 individual commands:

  1. Userspace application issues system call that will be handled by FUSE driver in kernel (we see it in the first strace output)
  2. FUSE driver in kernel notifies userspace daemon (sdcard) about new request
  3. Userspace daemon reads /dev/fuse
  4. Userspace daemon parses command and recognizes file operation (ex. open)
  5. Userspace daemon issues system call to the actual filesystem (EXT4)
  6. Kernel handles physical data access and sends data back to the userspace
  7. Userspace modifies (or not) data and passes it through /dev/fuse to kernel again
  8. Kernel completes original system call and moves data to the actual userspace application (in our example cat)

This seems like a lot of overhead just to a single I/O command to be run. And you would be right. To demonstrate this, Mr. Kowalczyk attempted two different I/O tests: one involving copying a large file and the other copying lots of small files. He compared the speed of FUSE (on the virtual partition mounted as FAT32) handling these operations versus the kernel (on the data partition formatted as EXT4), and he found that the FUSE was indeed contributing significant overhead.

In the first test, he copied a 725MB file under both test conditions. He found that the FUSE implementation transferred large files 17% more slowly.

In the second test, he copied 10,000 files – each of them 5KBs in size. In this scenario, the FUSE implementation was over 40 seconds slower to copy basically 50MBs worth of data.

In the real world, this performance hit affects any file stored on external storage. This means apps such as Maps storing large files on /sdcard, Music apps storing tons of music files, Camera apps and photos, etc. Any I/O operation being carried out that involves the external storage is affected by FUSE's overhead. But I/O overhead isn't the only issue with FUSE.

Problem #2 – Double Caching

Caching of data is important in improving data access performance. By storing essential pieces of data in memory, the Linux kernel is able to quickly recall that data when needed. But due to the way FUSE is implemented, Android stores double the amount of cache that is needed.

As Mr. Kowalczyk demonstrates, a 10MB file is expected to be saved in cache as exactly 10 MBs, but instead ups to cache size by around 20MBs. This is problematic on devices with less RAM, as the Linux kernel stores uses page cache to store data in memory. Mr. Kowalczyk tested this double caching issue using this approach:

  1. Create a file with a known size (for testing, 10MBs)
  2. Copy it to /sdcard
  3. Drop the page cache
  4. Take a snapshot of the page cache use
  5. Read the test file
  6. Take another snapshot of the page cache use

What he found was that prior to his test, 241MBs were being used by the kernel for page cache. Once he read his test file, he expected to see 251MBs utilized for page cache. Instead, he found that that kernel was using 263MBs for page cache – about twice what was expected. The reason this occurs is because the data is first cached by the user application that originally issued the I/O call (FUSE), and second by the sdcard daemon (EXT4 FS).

Problem #3 – Incomplete Implementation of FAT32

There are two more issues stemming from the use of FUSE emulating FAT32 that are less widely known in the Android community.

The first involves incorrect timestamps. If you've ever transferred a file (such as a photo) and noticed that the timestamp is incorrect, it's because of Android's implementation of FUSE. This issue has existed for years. To be more specific, the issue involves the utime() system call which allows you to change the access and modification time of a file. Unfortunately, calls made to the sdcard daemon as a standard user do not have the proper permission to execute this system call. There are workarounds for this, but they require you to have root access.

If you've ever transferred a file (such as a photo) and noticed that the timestamp is incorrect, it's because of Android's implementation of FUSE.

The next problem is more concerning for businesses using something like a smartSD card. Prior to FUSE, app makers could monitor the O_DIRECT flag in order to communicate with an embedded microcontroller in the card. With FUSE, developers can only access the cached version of a file, and are unable to see any commands sent by a microcontroller. This is problematic for some enterprise/government/banking apps which communicate with value-added microSD cards.

Dumping FUSE for SDCardFS

Some OEMS recognized these problems early on, and began looking for an in-kernel solution to replace FUSE. Samsung, for example, developed SDCardFS which is based on WrapFS. This in-kernel solution emulates FAT32 just like FUSE does, but foregoes the I/O overhead, double caching, and other issues I've mentioned above. (Yes, let me reiterate that point, this solution that Google is now implementing is based on Samsung's work).

Google themselves have finally acknowledged the drawbacks associated with FUSE, which is why they have begun moving towards the in-kernel FAT32 emulation layer developed by Samsung. The company, as mentioned in the Android Developers Backstage podcast, has been working on making SDCardFS available for all devices in an upcoming version of the kernel. You can currently see the progress of their work in AOSP.

As a Google developer explained earlier, the biggest challenge with implementing an in-kernel solution is how to map the package name to application ID necessary for a package to access its own data in external storage without requiring any permissions. But that statement was made a year ago, and we've reached the point where the team is calling SDCardFS their "next big thing." They've already confirmed that the dreaded timestamp error has been fixed, thanks to moving away from FUSE, so we can look forward to seeing all of the changes brought forth with the abandonment of FUSE.

Fact-Checking Misconceptions

If you're reached this far into the article, then kudos for keeping up with everything so far! I wanted to clarify a few questions I had myself when writing this article:

  • SDCardFS has nothing to do with actual SD Cards. It is just named as such because it handles I/O access for /sdcard. And as you might recall, /sdcard is an outdated label referring to the "external" storage of your device (where apps store their media).
  • SDCardFS is not a traditional file system like FAT32, EXT4, or F2FS. It is a stackable wrapper file system that passes commands to the lower, emulated file systems (in this case, it would be FAT32 on the /sdcard).
  • Nothing will change with respect to MTP. You will continue using MTP to transfer files to/from your computer (until Google settles on a better protocol). But at least the timestamp error will be fixed!
  • As mentioned before, when Google refers to "External Storage" they are either talking about the (for all intents and purposes) internal /sdcard virtual FAT32 partition OR they are talking about an actual, physical, removable microSD card. The terminology is confusing, but it's what we're struck with.


By moving away from FUSE and implementing an in-kernel FAT32 emulation layer (SDCardFS), Google will be reducing significant I/O overhead, eliminating double caching, and solving some obscure issues related to its FUSE's emulation of FAT32.

Since these changes will be made to a kernel, they can be rolled out without a major new version of Android alongside it. Some users are expecting to see these changes officially implemented in Android 8, but it's possible for any future OTA on a Pixel device to bring the Linux kernel version 4.1 that Google has been working on.

For some of you, SDCardFS is not a new concept. In fact, Samsung devices have been utilizing it for years (they were the ones to develop it after all). Ever since SDCardFS was introduced in AOSP last year, some custom ROM and kernel developers have chosen to implement it into their work. CyanogenMOD at one point considered implementing it, but rolled it back when users encountered issues with their photos. But hopefully with Google taking the reigns on this project, Android users on all future devices can take advantage of the improvements introduced with abandoning FUSE.

from xda-developers

Two High-Severity Vulnerabilities Discovered for the LG G3, G4 and G5

We generally get alerted to Android vulnerabilities for major phones like the Nexus/Pixel phones, LG and Samsung phones directly by these companies on a monthly basis. Sometimes though, there are some exploits discovered in the middle of the month and that's what has happened with LG right now.

MWR Labs has just published two vulnerabilities for the LG G3, LG G4 and LG G5 that have been marked as high-severity issues.

The first one we want to talk about has been labeled the LG Cloud Backup Application Path Traversal Vulnerability, and it is said to work on the LG G3, G4 and G5 devices. This vulnerability is happening with the LG SmartShare.Cloud application, which is a gateway to various cloud services such as Dropbox and Box. So a Path Traversal vulnerability was discovered with this application that allows an attacker to change the API call being made to Dropbox.

As a result, an attacker could make a file or folder shareable without requiring authentication or user interaction if they knew a name of the file or folder stored on Dropbox. The second vulnerability listed by MWR Labs has been labeled the LG G3 Arbitrary File Retrieval from Cloud Services, and it too is said to affect the LG G3, G4 and the G5 from LG. Again, this vulnerability is possible because of the LG SmartShare.Cloud application that is provided by the OEM.

This time though, a vulnerability was discovered that allows an attacker to retrieve a file from the SmartShare.Cloud application without authentication or user interaction. This is possible because the application itself starts an HTTP Server listening on all interfaces when the smartphone is connected to a WiFi network. Both of these vulnerabilities are only possible if the attacker is on the same network that the LG G3, G4 or G5 is on.

Source: MWR Labs

from xda-developers

Future S Health Update is Rumored to Schedule a Doctor Visit

S Health is Samsung's own health and fitness companion application, and it is packed with a bunch of features. If you have a Samsung wearable then it can tap into data from those sensors directly, but it can also use the sensors built into their Samsung phones as well.

The company has been improving this application for years now and a new rumor says Samsung will be taking things a step further.

This rumor comes to us from SamMobile, and their sources are telling them that a big update is headed our way. They aren't sure exactly when this new update will drop though, and are suspecting that it could happen when the Galaxy S8 launches. However, this part of the rumor is speculative as their sources haven't told them when the update will be made available to the public. It just makes sense that Samsung is working on a big update for the launch of their upcoming flagship smartphone.

The rumor claims that Samsung is working closely with 3rd-party companies like WebMD and Amwell, and will be integrating their features and services deep into the S Health application. This would enable those who use the application to search for symptoms diseases and drugs directly inside the application without ever having to leave it or dig through web search results. That will definitely be a nice addition to the application, and will add features that Google Fit doesn't have.

The rumor doesn't stop there though. SamMobile's sources are also telling them that you'll be able to schedule online visits with a doctor from within the S Health application as well. You'll be able to set video appointments with certified doctors 24/7, and receive a list of pharmacies that are near you. The new update will also allow you to store information about your appointments including symptoms, photos of the condition, and medical prescriptions.

Source: SamMobile

from xda-developers

Android 7.0 Nougat is Rolling Out to the Unlocked HTC One A9

HTC launched the HTC One A9 back in October of 2015, and it was at a time when the Taiwanese handset maker was really trying to bounce back from financial issues. Many were speculating about whether or not it would be the phone that would save the company, and reviews kept bringing up its design similarities of the iPhone.

No matter what the phone looked like though, one feature stood out from the rest and that was the promise of fast updates.

HTC promised that for the next two years, the HTC One A9 would receive "every version of Android" within 15 days of Google rolling out the update to Nexus devices. This was a huge announcement and absolutely convinced a number of people to order theirs as soon as they could. The thing is, that promise was broken very quickly, and HTC didn't seemed to be ashamed of that either. We covered this a few months ago and HTC implied that the One A9 was not popular enough to receive the Nougat update before their "most popular flagship products."

Almost 5 months after the official release of Android 7.0 Nougat, HTC has finally started to roll out the OTA update to unlocked versions of the HTC One A9. Mo Versi, HTC's Vice President of Product Management announced on Twitter yesterday that the official update would begin rolling out last night. XDA Junior Members and VirusRenamon have both shown they have received the OTA update, so it is definitely going out to unlocked devices right now.

Since Mr. Versi works for the US division of HTC, it's assumed that it is rolling out to the US versions of the HTC One A9 right now. If things go smoothly, we'll likely see this continue throughout Europe sometime in the very near future.

Source: @moversi

from xda-developers

Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Exynos Android 7.0 Nougat Kernel Source Code Released

Last night Samsung publicly released the kernel source code of their Nougat update for the Exynos based Samsung Galaxy S7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge devices, on par with their Android 7.0 rollout.

This public source code release follows tightly on the heels of the final beta version being distributed to Samsung's Galaxy Beta program testers last Friday. While it would have been nice to see Nougat arrive on the S7 even quicker than it did (especially considering how long the Nougat Galaxy Beta program ran for), we are quite excited to see the final product that Samsung is releasing, and to see Samsung continuing to support their devices. The lag time before updating the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge to Android Nougat stands out particularly heavily this year considering the increased efforts that Google took in 2016 to provide manufacturers with early access to the developer preview source code before Nougat's launch to help with porting the software over, and how the recall of the Note 7 left Samsung with half as many flagship phones to focus on updating the software for. With this update bringing Android 7.0 with the January 1st security patch level to the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge, hopefully we will see Samsung continue to push forward with their updates and bring 7.1.1 to these devices soon.

It is always good to see a somewhat-timely release of kernel source code by OEMs, especially in light of the recent issues that certain vendors have been having with it. Releasing the kernel source code is a legal requirement if an OEM wants to use Android (and the Linux kernel that it is built upon), and is absolutely vital for community software development. It is a huge part of why Android has become what it is today, and is a requirement that we are always happy to see continue to be enforced.

The Linux kernel source code for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge's Nougat update can be downloaded from Samsung's Open Source Release Center in the source links below.

Source: Samsung Open Source Release Center (S7 Edge) Via: Sammobile

Source: Samsung Open Source Release Center (S7)

from xda-developers

What’s New in Snapchat 10

If you're enrolled in Snapchat beta, you've probably been running the 10.0.x updates that have been pushing out for the last few days. These updates have a few new UI changes that make the app a little better. This video highlights everything you will find in this new update.

Get Snapchat beta

If  you want to enroll in the Snapchat beta program, you can do so right from the settings in your app. An update will then show up in the Play store with all of the new features. If the update does not show up right away, uninstall Snapchat and reinstall it from the Play store.


from xda-developers